Industrial Property


Something about us…. 


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Not. Héctor Gerona- Ex Director of the National Board of Industrial Property of Uruguay.


Notary Public, graduated from the University of the Republic, School of Law and Social Sciences.

Industrial Property Agent and consultant of the World Organization of Industrial Property for Latin America, U.N. specialized agency.

Speaker in:

Symposium “The Industrial Property in the Commercial and Industrial Development of the Country”, Montevideo, 1985.

Seminar of the “W.I.P.O.- National Board of Industrial Property about the protection of the companies´ trademarks”, Montevideo, November 11-12, 1993.

Symposium “Trademarks in Europe- Trademarks in the Mercosur”, Montevideo, November 1999.


Graciela González Pérez

She has worked in the Board of Industrial Property of Uruguay for more than 20 years. She has university education in chemistry in the University of the Republic.

Consultant of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 14 countries of Central America and South America. She collaborated in the writing of manuals for the patent exam for Central America, countries of the Andean Pact, countries of the River Plata Basin and Chile.

She has a deep knowledge of the requirements that need to be met regarding imports and exports of any kind of products. She has wide practice mainly with the benefits and limitations of the registration of marks and of any patent types.